Interpreting Feedback
Generally, collaborators will receive feedback on their work in the form of a PDF of the current state of the XML file, as shown in the "edited text showing changes" view. That PDF will include highlighted text, with comments showing the abbreviations below. In all cases, refer to the editorial criteria for your project when interpreting this feedback.
You will need to open the file in Acrobat Reader in order to most easily see the comments. You can download Acrobat Reader for free or access it through the cloud. In Acrobat Reader, you can also mark off the items as complete as you finish them.
a - abreviatura. There seems to be a problem related to the expansion of an abbreviation.
e - espacio. You're missing space between words, or have space where it isn't needed. This generally doesn't refer to an error in transcription, but rather: 1) the inadvertent placement without spacing of two XML elements that need to be separated, or an XML element and the following or preceding word, as in <choice><orig>yndios</orig><reg>indios</reg></choice>de (resulting in indiosde in the output) or 2) the same situation, but involving unneeded space, not missing space.
t - transcripción. There appears to be a problem with the transcription itself. Compare what you have to the document image. Please note that an error in transcription may also mean that corresponding changes need to be made in the modernized version of a word, if such modernization has taken place.
m - modernización. There is a problem related to modernization (including written accent marks). This could be: modernization needs to be done, or modernization has been carried out in error.
mod. a - modernicemos a... (seguido por la forma que propongo a propósito de la modernización)
u - uso de mayúsculas y minúsculas. There is a problem related to the use of lower-case and capital letters. Remember that for most projects, we are transcribing capital letters only at the beginnings of sentences and proper names.
Color Coding
In the "edited text showing changes" view, text encoded with the following elements is color-coded as indicated:
<unclear> red
<reg> green
<expan> blue
<supplied> orange
<sic> purple
<corr> pink